In 1930 the cornerstone for a church/school combination was laid. It was the time of the Great Depression and it seems that construction was slow.
St. Michael Parish School was opened in 1931 under the auspices of the sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell, New Jersey. Six sisters staffed the school, with a small number of students in grades 1-5. Each year another grade was added. It became evident as the years passed that there was a need for expansion, so a campaign was begun for a new church to be erected with the intention of using the portion that was the church for classrooms.
Following the tradition of St. Dominic, Saint Michael's provide dedicated and qualified lay teachers. The curriculum consists of the 3R's with the important 4th R- Religion. Added to the curriculum are computer, art music, Spanish and Physical Education classes. Today, there are more approximately 350 children who attend St. Michael school. We are Prek-3-8th grade school.